The 14th National PVA Transhoot Circuit wrapped up with the end-of-the-year tournament on September 24-27 in Las Vegas, Nev. The event took place at the Clark County Shooting Park, a shotgun center with 24 lighted, combined trap and skeet fields. It had 49 participants.
Friday started with an air rifle clinic at the hotel. National Rifle Association Disabled Shooting Services Director Vanessa Ross brought all the equipment necessary for the clinic: backdrop, targets, rifles, ammunition, binoculars, etc.
On the trap range, Friday saw practice under clear skies and extreme heat. Saturday was the first day of competition with 100 singles and 50 pair of doubles, with clear skies and more heat. Sunday featured another day of clear skies and heat for the 100 handicap targets.
Cal-Diego PVA took the Chapter Team Award, ahead of squads from Oregon, Vaughan, and Nevada. The California team won by a mere two birds, 1,301-1,299.
Cal-Diego's Doug Vann earned High Overall Wheelchair honors with a score of 278/300, and Dave David's 285 was High Overall.
In overall circuit results, Cal-Diego also captured the Chapter Team Award. Vann received the end-of-year High Overall Award. John Pilotte (Wisconsin PVA) was High Overall Wheelchair. Ed Hutchison (Arizona PVA) took the Chad Crowley Award as highest-scoring PVA voting member. He also won a brand-new rifle scope and Leupold binoculars.
The Monday after the trapshoot saw Nevada PVA's first pistol shoot at the Clark County Shooting Complex. The course was ten rounds of practice at the 15-yard line, followed by ten rounds slow fire (10-minute time limit) at the 15-yard line, then two five-round events (90-second time limit each) at the 15-yard line and a repeat of those at the 25-yard line. Jim Russell (Cal-Diego) took home top honors and a certificate for a new Glock pistol.
On behalf of all the 14th PVA Circuit atendees, PVA staff, and Nevada PVA, we would like to thank the following sponsors: Rob Johansen and SKG Shotguns, Cabela's, Winchester Ammunition, Michael Harris and Rolls Vans, Leupold Optics, Clark County Shooting Complex, Vanessa Ross and NRA Disabled Shooting Services, and Mary Dvornick and Safari Sun. Special thanks go to Hilda Fox of Cal-Diego PVA for her support and volunteer efforts on the PVA Trapshoot Circuit.
For complete National Trapshoot Circuit results, go to
Contributor: Jim Russell and PN staff.